Archive for November 13th, 2009


Perfect Selection Snatcher Battle – Difficult Move (Naoto Shibata)

November 13, 2009

Ok, aside from having a slightly humorous title, Perfect Selection Snatcher Battle (1995) is actually a pretty cool soundtrack. While not the best in the Perfect Selection series, it has a few really great tracks, and “Difficult Move” is one of them.


Perfect Selection Snatcher Battle – “Difficult Move” (Naoto Shibata)

Snatcher Battle, like the rest of the Battle series, is a set of (mostly) rock mixes from classic Konami games. These have pretty high production, and many of the compositions still stand strong even 15 years after they were made. “Difficult Move” is a great way to begin the album, with strong major chords and a steady beat, giving the sense of the game’s private detective’s feet eating up the sidewalk. This particular song comes originally from SD Snatcher (MSX 2, 1990).

Snatcher is a cyberpunk adventure designed by Metal Gear Solid creator Hideo Kojima. The game borrows heavily from Blade Runner/Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep? Read the rest of this entry ?