Archive for November 2nd, 2009


Final Fantasy VI Piano Collection – The Mystic Forest (Nobuo Uematsu)

November 2, 2009

Slight departure from last week’s dailies. This one is a Nobuo Uematsu piece from Final Fantasy VI. The game was originally released for the Super Nintendo in the US as Final Fantasy III (1994) because episodes 2 through 5 never came out in the States until recently. This is a piano arrangement of “The Mystic Forest.” Nobuo Uematsu, the man behind the music of nearly the entire series, arranged the song for the album Piano Collections Final Fantasy VI (1994). The album was reprinted in 2001 and is still available through CD Japan.

Piano Collections Final Fantasy VI – The Mystic Forest (Nobuo Uematsu)

The track is haunting and melancholic, reflective of weeping tree branches among crystal rivers reflecting shafts of sunlight. The entire game has a score this beautiful. If there is a downside to this particular composition, it is probably the short little trill added at the end.

The track first plays in the forests outside of Domo Castle. Read the rest of this entry ?